— Two Representatives Introduce the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act on the Same Day as Successful TNPN Rally —
On the same day as the Tennessee Pastors Network’s (TNPN, www.tnpastors.net) successful “Stand in the Gap for Truth” Rally attended by thousands, two state lawmakers introduced a bill to protect the biblical definition of marriage between one man and one woman in Tennessee.
After the controversial Supreme Court decision in June that legalized same-sex marriage in every state, Tennessee lawmakers promised a legislative response, The Tennessean recently reported. That promise came by way of the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act, filed on Sept. 17 by Rep. Mark Pody (R-Lebanon) and Sen. Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet).
“Natural marriage between one (1) man and one (1) woman as recognized by the people of Tennessee remains the law in Tennessee, regardless of any court decision to the contrary,” the bill states. “Any court decision purporting to strike down natural marriage, including (a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision), is unauthoritative, void, and of no effect.”
“We applaud these lawmakers who have stood for God’s design for marriage, for the state constitution and for the wishes of Tennessee voters,” said TNPN President Dale Walker. “A rogue court this summer through the opinions of five liberal justices violated state constitutions around the country, and now we must work to recapture state sovereignty.
“At this month’s amazing ‘Stand in the Gap for Truth’ Rally,” Walker continued, “we asked pastors around the state to give of their first fruits and speak from the pulpit on the first Sunday of each month about the issues that are affecting all Americans, such as marriage, the sanctity of life and religious freedom.”
At the TNPN rally, which was attended by about 40 legislators, Pody told the crowd, “Marriage is between a man and a woman in Tennessee!” Added Beavers, “We’re going to tell the attorney general, he will defend marriage in Tennessee as it is written on our constitution.”
The Tennessean went on to report that in 2006, “Tennessee voters overwhelmingly supported an amendment to the constitution that banned same-sex marriage. But the recent Supreme Court case ruled states cannot ban same-sex couples from receiving marriage licenses and must recognize same-sex marriages officiated in other states. Gov. Bill Haslam and Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery, both Republicans, said they didn’t agree with the ruling, but they said Tennessee would follow the Supreme Court. Every county clerk in Tennessee is issuing same-sex marriage licenses.”
“We have already seen how the Supreme Court decision, which essentially blanked state constitutions, has stripped faithful Americans of their religious liberties,” added TNPN Vice President Ben Graham. “And now, Tennessee’s pastors and churches must stand together with our lawmakers to bring about change.”
Tennessee lawmakers will meet again in when the General Assembly reconvenes in January.
The “Stand in the Gap for Truth” Rally on Sept. 17 in Nashville sought to motivate Tennesseans to defend their religious freedom and uphold God’s design for the nation, as well as engage Tennesseans to address the most talked-about issues of the day such as shifting marriage and family foundations, an unworkable immigration system, weak terrorism laws, failing education, a damaging nationalized health care system, lack of religious freedom protections and the blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution.
TNPN is a state chapter of the American Pastors Network (APN, www.americanpastorsnetwork.net), the largest national network dedicated to equipping pastors to be a voice for truth in the public square.
TNPN and APN offer pastors numerous online resources that help clergy choose sermon topics and find information for other church ministries. With some free and some paid resources, topics include abortion, apologetics, creation, the culture war, economics, education, the environment, history, homosexuality, Islam and marriage, along with many others.
The Tennessee Pastors Network encourages pastors to bring together biblical and constitutional principles in their sermons and provides resources to pastors throughout the state. For more information on TNPN, visit www.tnpastors.net/events or its Facebook page, email patriotpastorstn@gmail.com or call (931) 267-0816.
TNPN is a group of biblically faithful clergy and church liaisons whose objective is to build a permanent infrastructure of like-minded clergy who affirm the authority of Scripture, take seriously Jesus’ command to be the “salt and light” to the culture, encourage informed Christian thinking about contemporary social issues, examine public policy issues without politicizing their pulpits and engage their congregations in taking part in the political process on a non-partisan basis.
The American Pastors Network is the largest, national network of pastors who believe in the authority of scripture; who boldly preach the whole counsel of God with a disciplined application of a biblical worldview to public policy; who are building a permanent infrastructure of biblically faithful pastors and lay leaders; and who are mobilizing congregations to participate in the political process on a non-partisan basis. For more information on APN, visit www.americanpastorsnetwork.net, its Facebook page or follow APN’s Twitter feed, @AmericanPastors. Those interested in forming a chapter in their state may contact amy@americanpastors.net.
The American Pastors Network is a Ministry Program Affiliate of Capstone Legacy Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian Public Community Foundation registered nationwide). APN’s daily short radio feature, “Stand in the Gap,” airs on more than 40 stations, and the American Family Radio Network airs the one-hour “Stand in the Gap Weekend” on 140 additional stations nationwide. A live one-hour program launched in 2015, “Stand in the Gap Today,” airs on several Pennsylvania radio stations.
To interview Dale Walker from the Tennessee Pastors Network or a representative of the American Pastors Network, contact Deborah Hamilton at 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096, ext. 102, or Beth Harrison at 610-584-1096, ext. 104, Media@HamiltonStrategies.com.
i believe marriage is one man and one woman.
i also believe in the bathroom privacy bill.