— TNPN President Dale Walker Says Public Schools Are No Place for Islamic Indoctrination,
While Christianity is Overlooked —
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has requested that all 146 Tennessee school districts comply with an open records request for content that concerns Islamic curriculum being taught in public schools, The Tennessean newspaper is reporting.
The Tennessee Pastors Network (TNPN, www.tnpastors.net) has been keeping close tabs on the issue, since TNPN President Dale Walker spoke at the White County School Board last month regarding concerns about school textbooks in the state with Islamic indoctrination, specifically a social studies book that contains 30-plus pages on Islam and the Muslim faith but with little mention of Christianity.
Walker, who graduated from the district, represented several state pastors who have serious reservations about the presence of Islamic education in public schools while lessons about Christianity are glossed over.
“Now is the time for school leaders, educators, parents, elected officials and the church community at large to take action and work to remove this Islamic invasion from our local schools via textbooks,” Walker said. “Schools should be held accountable, and this critical issue of soft-peddling Islam to impressionable students must not be ignored. The sweeping Islamic infiltration is being deeply embedded into the Bible Belt and it has penetrated our public schools in Tennessee. Our founding fathers would be appalled.”
The ACLJ, a nonprofit organization that specializes in freedom of religion and free speech, has also opened the petition, “Stop Islamic Indoctrination in School.” Thus far, the petition has nearly 203,000 signatures.
The Tennessean further reported that the “time and depth Islam has been taught in schools has been scrutinized recently by Tennessee lawmakers and community members representing multiple districts.”
TNPN is a state chapter of APN, the largest national network dedicated to equipping pastors to be a voice for truth in the public square. For more information, visit www.tnpastors.net.
TNPN and APN offer pastors numerous online resources that help clergy choose sermon topics and find information for other church ministries. With some free and some paid resources, topics include abortion, apologetics, creation, the culture war, economics, education, the environment, history, homosexuality, Islam and marriage, along with many others.
The Tennessee Pastors Network encourages pastors to bring together biblical and constitutional principles in their sermons and provides resources to pastors throughout the state. For more information on TNPN, visit its Facebook page or call (931) 267-0816.
TNPN is a group of biblically faithful clergy and church liaisons whose objective is to build a permanent infrastructure of like-minded clergy who affirm the authority of Scripture, take seriously Jesus’ command to be the “salt and light” to the culture, encourage informed Christian thinking about contemporary social issues, examine public policy issues without politicizing their pulpits and engage their congregations in taking part in the political process on a non-partisan basis.
The American Pastors Network is the largest, national network of pastors who believe in the authority of scripture; who boldly preach the whole counsel of God with a disciplined application of a biblical worldview to public policy; who are building a permanent infrastructure of biblically faithful pastors and lay leaders; and who are mobilizing congregations to participate in the political process on a non-partisan basis. For more information on APN, visit www.americanpastorsnetwork.net
The American Pastors Network is a Ministry Program Affiliate of Capstone Legacy Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian Public Community Foundation registered nationwide). APN’s daily short radio feature, “Stand in the Gap,” airs on more than 40 stations, and the American Family Radio Network airs the one-hour “Stand in the Gap Weekend” on 140 additional stations nationwide. A live one-hour program launched in 2015, “Stand in the Gap Today,” airs on several Pennsylvania radio stations.
To interview Dale Walker from the Tennessee Pastors Network or a representative of the American Pastors Network, contact Deborah Hamilton at 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096, ext. 102, or Beth Harrison at 610-584-1096, ext. 104, Media@HamiltonStrategies.com.